Helper Classes

Borders And Displays

Use border utilities to add or remove an element's borders.

Additive Border
Subtractive Border
Additive Radius

Styles In Borders

Use the different styles of borders like:border radius/border-color/border-width. Use of any components.

Custom Border-radius Class
Border Color
Text Colors

Background Colors

Use the .bg-* and .alert-light-*colors in cuba theme.Use of any components.

Dark Background
Light Backgrounds
Extended Background Colors

Border Color

Use the .b-*/.b-t-*/.b-b-*/.b-l-*/.b-r-*class for borders.


Images Sizes

Use the width and height of images class like: .img-*and.img-h-*.



Use the font-style like: .f-s-* [normal/italic/oblique/initial/inherit].

This is a .f-s-normal font-style

This is a .f-s-italic font-style

This is a .f-s-oblique font-style

This is a .f-s-initial font-style

This is a .f-s-inherit font-style

Font Weight

Use the font-weight classes like: .f-w-* [100/300/400/600/700/900]

You can set light font weight heading .f-w-100
You can set light font weight heading .f-w-300
You can set light font weight heading .f-w-400
You can set bolder font weight heading .f-w-600
You can set bold font weight heading .f-w-700
You can set bold font weight heading .f-w-900

Text Colors

Use the text color for .font-* class.

This is a font-primary text used class as .font-primary
This is a font-secondary text used class as .font-secondary
This is a font-success text used class as .font-success
This is a font-danger text used class as .font-danger
This is a font-warning text used class as .font-warning
This is a font-info text used class as .font-info
This is a font-dark text used class as .font-dark

Font Sizes

Use the font-size for .f-* [14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30/32/34/36/38/40].

Font-size .f-14
Font-size .f-16
Font-size .f-18
Font-size .f-20
Font-size .f-22
Font-size .f-24
Font-size .f-26
Font-size .f-28
Font-size .f-30
Font-size .f-32
Font-size .f-34
Font-size .f-36
Font-size .f-38
Font-size .f-40